Q: Ummm.. Thr is one thng i greatly regret about.. I hv acceptd my mistake, still it comes in mind n hurts me agn aftr a whil.. Its deep rooted in my heart...How can i get rid of it? A: A scholar in a village who was jealous of Gautam Buddha, went and spat on his face and Buddha just kept smiling, untouched and unaffected, and when he later went to Buddha for forgiveness, Buddha said, "I cannot forgive because the person who spat and the person asking for forgiveness are not the same. And there is no chance I will meet him ever. And the person on who he spat is not the same as the person standing in front of you now and there is no chance you will meet him ever." Everything is changing. Just focus on the priority things in your life like your career etc. Move ahead dude. And I am not telling you to run away from your unpleasant feelings, just go through it, welcome it, do not resist it. Whatever your resist will persist :-) And my dear MRI, you seem so confident its deep ro...