Goals v/s Needs

10 pm Sat, 28 Feb' 09

Its the last evening before the THE MARCH - Against Corruption & Terrorism, 2 pm Sunday, 1st Mar'09, Parliament Street, Delhi.

I was figuring out a good method of SMSing a few thousand people database that we now have, as registered entries for the event tomorrow. I called up Shiv, a good friend of mine, who works for Sumeru Software and is an Art Excel teacher in Bangalore, to find out some options. He didnt answer my call, and I realised, the bugger must be enjoying satsang in the ashram with Guruji. My work was important and urgent, and so I was disappointed that Shiv was in satsang when I needed his help.

Very soon Shiv called back. Even before discussing work, I first asked him what did Guruji say? Shiv said he was in satsang for just 10 min. Guruji had returned from a function in the city to felicitate octogenerians and nonagenarians. A 95 year old man gave a speech in a clear strong voice. Another 87 year old person spoke and so on...All these 80+ and 90+ men were absoultely fit physically.

Guruji, in the satsang made a very interesting observation, in the times when these (the guys who were being felicitated) people were young, @ 60 years ago, people had big goals and minimal needs. Nowadays, people have very high needs and small goals, hence the suffering.

Right since the moment I had asked Shiv, what did Guruji say, there was a big smile on my face, and as he described, I felt more and more rejuvenated...and Gurujis statement about goals and needs brought out an 'Aho Niranjano' from within me.

So the key is to have big goals and mimimal needs!
I was happy Shiv was in the satsang when I had called him. :-)


  1. but minimize the needs??? and please write how "wants" are related in this context....


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