We have a very famous bhajan in The Art of Living. "Nikunj me biraaje Ghanshyam Radhe Radhe", a song from the KRISHNA album. The lyrics of this song give such wonderful knowledge. The song says, "Nikunj me biraaje Ghanshyam Radhe Radhe, Ghanshyam Radhe Radhe tu Shyam se mila de, Radhe Radhe, Shyam mila de, Shyam mila de, Radhe Radhe" Meaning: The 'Best' way to get to the man is through his girlfriend/wife. So, if you want to meet Krishna go through Radha or become Radha. So who is this Radha? What is this Radha? Where is this Radha? Can I get her phone no. or atleast her email id? Can I add her as a friend on facebook? :-) Ok. Ok. Relax! Don't Panic. Whatever is happening to you right now is 'DHARA'. The mind is pulled by the five senses. The eyes want to see. The ears want to hear. The nose wants to smell. The tongue wants to taste. The skin wants to touch. This mind flowing outwards is DHARA. And RADHA is the reverse, the mind flowing inw...