Blessed with a jet of Satva

The airport, spread over 4000 acres, can handle 11 million people per annum with 27 aircraft movements per hour and an estimated 550 movements in May 2008. At its peak, it can handle 720 aircraft movements in a day. You are right, its the new Bengaluru Airport . Well, after a rejuvenating TRM with 1000 teachers from all over the country and of course Guruji, I checked in at 12 noon at counter 2 (you can see in the pic above) for my 1.00 pm Mumbai Indigo flight and sat on the bench exactly opposite (you obviously cant see in the pic) and after some amount of calculation, speculation and haa-naa haa-naa, finally did my Short Sudarshan Kriya. I must admit, I was very concious, especially while doing the Bhastrika. Thoughts like 'what if someone objects?', 'if some passenger waiting besides me complaints then what?', 'what if some security guy actually comes up to me and stops me?'; and to counter these thoughts, phrases like 'Dont be a football...', 'w...