My Guru got me Baptized!!

Om Keshavaya Namaha

Om Madhavaya Namaha

Om Narayanaya Namaha

Om Govindaya Swaha

A highly pious. serene and sacred experience which left @ 30 of us in total gratitude for the Master.

27 Aug 2009 was that auspicious day. The beautiful Radha Kunj Yagya place in the ashram in Bangalore witnessed 30 of us being initiated into Brahminhood. We now have official rights for chanting the Gayatri Mantra Japa Vandana, wearing the sacred thread and reading the Vedas (or Knowledge sheets as Rashmin puts it )

Well, the above pic may leave you completely confused about what must have been happenning when this pic was taken, bcoz no two expressions are alike! Looks like all of them are wondering, what was the purpose of this 3 hour long process?

Traditonally, when a child had to start his education, the Upanayan ceremony would be performed. This ceremony used to be of paramount importance, next only to marriage, as it was his marriage with knowledge.
His parents would initiate him and only then he could be admitted to a GuruKul and entrusted in the care of the Guru.
And only the Guru can unite (marry) you with yourSELF
For more pics, check out the slideshow on the blog (just below my schedule)


  1. Congratulations :) Read it on Rashmin bhaiya's blog too, it was brief there. So feels great to know more about the thread ceremony.

    May you continue to inspire more n more n more people :)

  2. Dear Bhaiya JGD! Nice to see you in this form :-) After visiting to Rasmin Bhaiya's blog I was curious to know abt it and I got it today!!What Bau and Dinesh da were doing? :-)

  3. Congrats Bhaiyya!!! Great news. Really happy for you... I heard about Bau n Dinesh being there. I came to know about u only now.

  4. Congrats Saleel Bhaiyya ......... dying to meet u

  5. :) :) thanks for sharing the wonderful experience with us bhaiya :)



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