Power of Sattva...Unleashed in Mumbai
23 to 26 Dec 2009 witnessed 490 people experiencing the Part 2 course in the famous Yogi Sabhagraha Swaminarayan Hall in Dadar. Sattva personified Rishi Vidhyadharji mesmerised all of us with his Satsang Aerobics Yoga at midnight (6 am for me is midnight...he he), his brilliant Sadhana sequence and his Q&A sessions in the satsangs early morning (if you have slept from 4 to 6 pm then 8 pm feels like early morning). Rishiji would conduct the course from 6 am to 9.30 pm. Inspite of such a busy schedule he offered 2 hour knowledge sessions on 2 days from 6 to 8 pm to YES!+ volunteers. Some snippets: (NOT verbatim...just jotting the essence from what I remember) This should be your goal: Becoming 'MUKT' (free) from the 5 deepest, strongest and oldest impressions: Food, Sleep, Sex, Fear and Laziness. He added that once you have become free from these impressions then you will know what your real purpose in life is. The humour and liveliness with which he explained this was exemp...