Power of Sattva...Unleashed in Mumbai

23 to 26 Dec 2009 witnessed 490 people experiencing the Part 2 course in the famous Yogi Sabhagraha Swaminarayan Hall in Dadar.

Sattva personified Rishi Vidhyadharji mesmerised all of us with his Satsang Aerobics Yoga at midnight (6 am for me is midnight...he he), his brilliant Sadhana sequence and his Q&A sessions in the satsangs early morning (if you have slept from 4 to 6 pm then 8 pm feels like early morning).

Rishiji would conduct the course from 6 am to 9.30 pm. Inspite of such a busy schedule he offered 2 hour knowledge sessions on 2 days from 6 to 8 pm to YES!+ volunteers.

Some snippets: (NOT verbatim...just jotting the essence from what I remember)

  • This should be your goal: Becoming 'MUKT' (free) from the 5 deepest, strongest and oldest impressions: Food, Sleep, Sex, Fear and Laziness. He added that once you have become free from these impressions then you will know what your real purpose in life is. The humour and liveliness with which he explained this was exemplary.

Q: How to avoid being conscious when amongst people?
A: Rather than bothering about looking good, focus on feeling good. In looking good you lose your naturalness and peace. When you feel good then you will NOT become a football of others opinions and will be more effective.

Q: Should we be perfectionists?
A: Rather than looking for perfection, be with that which is perfect

Q: How to handle competition as it involves comparison with others?
A: Competition is sugar coated greed and jealousy. A person who is caught in competition is a victim of greed and jealousy. He tries to do several things 100% and gets stressed. Its important to BE (not necessarily DO) 100% in whatever you do.

Q: I am confused about marriage. How to decide whether to marry or not?
  • If one or more of the following five are of concern (needs) for a girl, then she should marry: Security, Companionship, Sex, Progeny and learning surrender
  • If one or more of the following four are of concern (needs) for a boy, then he should marry: Companionship, Sex, Progeny and learning surrender

Q: While on my way to meet Guruji, the excitement I feel, is it feverishness or longing?
A: While on your way if you are relaxed then its longing, else its feverishness. And on meeting him, if Guruji doesn't look at you and you don't mind it as you are happy that YOU saw HIM, then it was longing and if you feel upset or disappointed that HE didn't look at YOU, then it was feverishness.

Check out the photos in the adjoining slideshow

Jai Gurudev!


  1. wow.... superb....mind blowing " competition is sugar coated greed n jealousy" adv course wid rishi ji is an awesome exp.......

  2. Amazing Q n A :) Thank you for posting Happy New year

  3. Got many answers... :)
    Did my first adv crse wid Gaurav Bhaiya :)
    Asangoham ....Punaha...Punaha :) :)
    Jgd :)

  4. nice blog saleel :) thanks for posting Rishiji's knowledge. it lit several lamps within.


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