Its a Magical Summer @ Ashram

Sunday, 20 June 2010
Satsang @ Bangalore Ashram

After explaining a few verses from Ashtavakra Gita in Kannada, Guruji said, "Today we have lot of people from Tamil Nadu (and of course the elated Madrasis cheered), so today no Hindi, no English, I will talk in Tamil (this was like offering Idlis and Dosas with a double helping of curd rice to a hungry Tamilian)."

A few excerpts from his Tamil talk are given below. 

And if you are wondering how I could make sense out of the curvacious tongue twisters? Well, the twists and turns were ironed out by our superb camera guy GauriShankar (who is the official cameraman of WAYE) and better known for his lead role in Anand&Benaifer, the rocking superhit YES!+ Musical performed in the 1100 people YES!+ course in Mumbai and now to be performed at Summer Magic! A 2 hour and 40 min non-stop stomach aching comedy interspersed with world class singing and Yollywood (Yes!+ ka Bollywood) dances, complete with action, suspense, family drama, college fantasies and even no...NO..not sex!

Guruji said, "You cannot experience Shiva by the body or mind. Shiva has to be experienced by the SELF. And to do that one has to go through the breath."

"The 1st quality of human nature is empathy. Being sensitive. If you don't feel anything when someone sad cries, its inhuman. Sharing the joy & sorrow of others is seva. You cannot do seva. Seva happens."

"Learning to still the mind is a skill. When your mind is still, not only do your desires get fulfilled, you also get the power to bless other people's desires."

Bau said something very nice and related to the above. See it here.

After his talk Guruji asked the bhajan team to sing a Tamil bhajan. They sang Varuvai Varuvai, Varuvai Amma. Then Guruji and Bhanu didi sang a very beautiful Tamil devotional song. The way Guruji was singing it, I felt very strongly I want to learn and sing that song. Lets see.

Jai Gurudev
PS: Have just returned after a blissful Rudrapuja with Guruji


  1. "YOU CANNOT DO SEVA, SEVA HAPPENS".....this is mesmerizing.


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