Why should I know WHY?

Did Warren Buffet know what he was doing would make him the richest man in the world? Did Sachin Tendulkar know that what he was doing would make him get hailed as the God of cricket? Did Newton know that thinking about the apple would revolutionize the world of physics?

Most management and self development Gurus claim that one needs to set goals and rationally plan to achieve them. I would like to ask them, "Did their life work out as they had planned it?" Has your life taken the same direction you wanted or wished or intended or desired or dreamed or envisioned?

Man made objects and programmed them with some system and made their behavior predictable. One can tell that the 9.55 slow local from Ghatkopar will definitely reach CST Mumbai by 10.30, of course, if nothing untoward happens. A stone if thrown in water will definitely reach the bottom. However, the laws of the body and the mind are completely different. And it amazes me to even begin to think as what would be the laws of the spirit? Or are there any?

Today scientists are talking about Dark Matter which comprises more than 80% of the universe. The Rishis  in India, said the same thing centuries ago. An invisible force [Adrishya Shakti] governs life. The unseen is at work, was what His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji once commented in a Satsang.

If its my spirit that enlivens the matter in me and makes it function, if the unseen is making things work, if what is beyond the perceptible is almost 100 times of the known universe, if an invisible force governs most of my life, if Love moves the world, then any attempt to quantify, logically analyze, rationalize, plan is blasphemous!

Its foolish, simply absurd, completely insane to let oneself be an illusion that one can comprehend by one's finite brain and the infinitesimal intelligence it contains, the infinite creation, and even be moronic enough to predict its movement. Its like wanting to count the stars in the sky with a handful of pebbles, its like wanting to hold the ocean in your palms, its like wanting to express to your beloved, in words, how much you exactly love him/her.

If words can contain what you have experienced then, I must say, you are living a very shallow life! Life is beyond the realm of the senses. The infinite organizing power of the Divine Intelligence is beyond the domain of comprehensible existence. The mystery begins where logic ends. And its to be lived and wondered at, rather than questioned and understood.

I am glad I don't know why I am doing what I am doing, and know equally well that I will never know it too.

Any attempt to know is Ignorance,
jumping into the unknown is Faith,
dropping the knowing is Wisdom,
merging with the unknown is Love,
trusting that HE knows is Surrender,
experiencing that I am part of the unknown is Yoga,
realizing that the known and the unknown is one, is Enlightenment.

However, I don't know. ;-) Its a beautiful I DON'T KNOW.


Jai Gurudev


  1. very well written bhaiya...its a must read for those who are all the time interested in the results only....

  2. Amazing! As usual, I got what I needed, at the perfect time! :)

  3. Awesome thing about this article is "I don't know." :-)

  4. So much to ponder about...Awesome!!!

  5. Enjoyed reading it! yep unknown is beautiful.. there is a beauty in it for sure :-)

  6. people who keep suggesting me for a purpose always had this question for and got no answer so there is nothing wrong in it wowwww:) love u bhaiyyyaaa

  7. I don't know ..but its wonderful!!!! JGD ...


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