Thoughts about Satsang

Satsang is that which kindles the trust. -- Sri Sri

As literally understood, it is the company of truth.

Satsang is the best companion to the destination. -- Sage Vaistha

So, apart from the above and music, sound and vibration, what crossed my mind, while pondering about what satsang means to me, I have penned down here.

Satsang ....
                 is a game of communication.

Satsang ....
                 is a play of the 'Prana'.

Satsang ....
                 is influenced by the three 'Gunas'.

Satsang ....
                 is founded on devotion.

Satsang ....
                 runs on participation.

Satsang ....
                 is a cry of the soul.

Satsang ....
                 is the culmination of an intensely burning longing.

Satsang ....
                 is an act of letting go.

Satsang ....
                 is surrender, merging with the Infinite, dissolving in the Existence, union with the Divine.

Satsang ....
                 is realizing that 'I don't exist', 'only the Truth exists'.

Satsang ....
                 is becoming the 'Sat' - 'Truth'.

Satsang ....
                 is realizing that 'I am the Truth - SatChittAnand'

Shivohum, shivohum, shivohum, shivohum....
Amar atma Satchidanand main hun.



  1. Wow....:)..Aho!!...


    Jai Gurudev bhaia..:))

  2. So wonderful....we experience all that in your company too bhaiya!!!!

  3. Hey Madhuri...thats a weighty compliment :-)

    Suvidha, hope that inspires you to take opportunities of having my company. ;-)

  4. Really an intimate and beautiful insight!! every line gave me a memory of some of the Divine satsangs attended by me :)


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